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   WeTheGeeks Rating: 94%



Great AI, fun campaign, full of variety, interesting multiplayer.


Some outdated graphics, boring mission briefings.



A well put together FPS that will keep you playing.



Call of Duty -page 2-

Call of Duty

My other teammate was dragging his body across the wall to a safer spot in the midst of this firefight. How amazing is that?


Many missions will have you infiltrate enemy facilities in order to rescue important persons in the Allied movement. I can remember that, during the French campaign, I went through an entire Nazi mansion. It was complete with grand staircases, a museum, and even a trap annex that I accessed by pulling an eagle on a fireplace. After searching through the entire house (which was filled to high heaven with enemy soldiers), I found this secret passage. As the fireplace flipped, I found myself discovering the generals hidden in a prison type cell. After getting them, I had to fight my way back out of the house. This entire mission felt very realistic; however, it was still a lot of fun to play.

Panzer Party

During the Soviet campaign, Alexei was needed to help command a tank because there weren't enough soldiers. As the mission started, I found myself in a pack of tanks rolling out. We went past tons of enemy tanks and blasted each one away. My team shouted at me encouragingly and gave me orders. Running over trees was very cool, kind of like Mechwarrior. My objectives were to simply get to the town, but playing with a team of soldiers and a horde of tanks really made this mission and this game stand out.

It's All in the Details

Some other little effects that make Call of Duty stand out are the changing menu, the shell shock effect, and the crashing plane. As you change from campaign to campaign, the background of your main menu will also change. Although it's nothing too big, it's a nice little touch. The shell shock effect happens right after you die or right after you are almost killed in a big explosion.

Your screen becomes blurry, as if you were dizzy from the accident. In one mission in France, I started out in a plane. We had a rough landing, and Call of Duty really made it look rough. Everything was bumping up and down, and when we hit the water, it went dark. This scene was acted out very well, and once I got out of the plane, I was faced with the shell shock effect for a few seconds. This made the experience feel even more real. As you can see, Call of Duty is filled with gameplay experiences like these that make the game a blast to play. But there's more to a game then gameplay, right? Correct!

Outstanding AI

AI is overall presented very nicely. Since you will be working with teammates most of the time, Activision really perfected friendly AI to the point where it feels extremely realistic. Teammates will cover themselves well, use good military tactics, and fire using appropriate weaponry.

Call of Duty

They also follow you when necessary and call out to you when they are in trouble. They will even pull or carry each other across the Battlefield when they are injured. Similar to the Rainbow Six titles, there is a problem with getting through doors. If you and a few of your guys have crowded into a room and you want to get out, it might be hard. On more than one occasion, I have found my men blocking my way when I am trying to exit a room.


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